1. I agree not to report or disclose to anyone the specific content of the questions and answers of the examinations (written and skills tests) conducted in each course sponsored by the Japan Drone Organization, Inc. and its affiliated corporations.
2. I agree that if I disclose any information contained in any of the training exams in violation of the above, I shall be liable for any and all damages resulting from such disclosure and any disclosure derived from such disclosure, and that if I disclose any such information, regardless of the purpose of such disclosure, I shall immediately notify the Sponsor or the Japan Drone Organization, Inc. and the Sponsor or its subsidiaries or other related parties of such disclosure. or its subsidiaries or other affiliated companies, regardless of the purpose of such disclosure.
3. I will provide true and complete information without delay when registering for each course. I agree to notify the organizer or its affiliated entity without delay of any changes in my address, telephone number, e-mail address or other information provided at the time of registration.
4. I confirm and acknowledge that the unmanned aircraft pilot license and each certificate issued by the Japan Drone Organization, Inc. do not constitute a license (a professional qualification required by law) or a permit or authorization from an administrative agency.
5. I understand that the personal information I submitted for the course and examination will be handled in accordance with the privacy policy of the Japan Drone Organization, Inc. I agree and acknowledge that the organizer and its affiliated corporations may disclose the information without my consent if they deem it necessary, in accordance with the law and the aforementioned privacy policy. I also agree that the Sponsor has the right to refer to any third party, outside organization or government agency for the purpose of investigating or verifying the information contained in the course application form or any other information related to such application form.
6. I understand that my photograph and video, taken in a non-personally identifiable manner, may be used for publicity and other purposes in each course organized by the Japan Drone Organization, Inc. and its affiliated corporations.
7. I promise to be in good health when participating in each training course.
8. I promise to follow the instructor's instructions during the course, and I agree to participate in the course with the understanding that there are risks involved.
9. I understand that I am responsible for any injury, accident or death that may occur as a result of my own risky behavior, and I agree not to take any action that may endanger the safety of life or cause damage of any kind.
10. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the organizer and its affiliates from any and all damages beyond the scope of insurance coverage arising out of or in connection with my conduct in connection with any training organized by the Japan Drone Organization, Inc. and its affiliates.
11. I am solely responsible for any injury or accident caused by my failure to follow the rules and instructions during the course, and I will not make any claim for refund or compensation for damages against the Japan Drone Organization, its affiliated corporations, or the facility.
12. I am aware that accidents, injuries, and illnesses may occur to participants. In the event that such an accident, injury or illness should occur, I will leave all first aid to the instructor. I will not hold the Japan Drone Organization, Inc. or any of its affiliated corporations or facilities liable for any physical or mental injury, medical expenses, or other costs incurred in the event of such an incident.
13. I acknowledge and agree that all decisions regarding my certification and continuation of my certification are made at the sole and exclusive discretion of each course sponsored by the Japan Drone Organization, Inc. and its affiliates, and that such decisions are final.
14. I acknowledge that the Organizer and its affiliates may change the program of each course without notice. I agree that all materials submitted in connection with such courses shall belong to the Organizer or its affiliated corporation and that the Organizer or its affiliated corporation shall not return such materials under any circumstances.
15. I agree that the laws of Japan shall govern all matters relating to each course organized by the Japan Drone Organization, Inc. and its affiliated corporations and this Agreement, and that they shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. I also agree that the Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction of the first instance over any and all disputes related to this agreement.
16. If you do not agree to the above, you are not allowed to take the examination.